Wednesday, 2 September 2015


Believers love boat - Pst Festus Omorusi"
Here’s an understatement—we live in a world in pain because of sin. There is plenty of evidence that as Romans 8:22 says “creation has been groaning.”
Stress, violence, hatred, wars, disease, and tragedies are all over the news. So, is there any hope for a world like this?
Even Christians groan according to our Scripture verse today! Why? You and I are still members of a fallen race, living in a fallen place!
But today, maybe you’re not thinking about the hopelessness of the world. Maybe you’re wondering, “Is there any hope for me?”
If you are suffering and hurting, God has a prescription for your pain. He has a medicine of hope! You and I may not have any hope in our world today. But we can find hope in his word for you.
We have hope because of the promise that has been spoken over our lives, there's a prophetic word of promise hanging over your destiny waiting for manifestation, you don't have to throw in the towel.
You may not have archived anything yet because of what you've been through, I have good news for you today, it's not over for you, there's greatness ahead of you, there's success ahead of you, there's a breakthrough ahead of you.
Pray with me; lord in midst of uncertainties, bring your word to pass in my life in Jesus name!
May your day be prosperous in Jesus name!

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