Thursday, 27 August 2015


Believers love boat - Pst festus omorusi"
"For one will hardly die for a righteous man; though perhaps for the good man someone would dare even to die. But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." - Romans 5:7-8
The ultimate act of heroism is when a person gives his or her life for another person’s life, especially friends, comrades or family.
Yet, sadly, most people in the world today's culture think, “if I can be good enough, that will make me a Christian.” Romans 5:8 just flies in the face of that. We can never live our lives “good enough” to become a Christian. The fact is, while we are sinners, while we are ungodly, while we are helpless in overcoming our sinfulness, Christ died for our sins. So it’s not a matter of getting your life good enough and then bam, you’re a Christian. It’s are you willing to accept what Christ has done for you – that no matter how sinful, no matter how much out of the will of God you are, no matter how ungodly your life is, will you accept this gift of love that Christ died and paid the penalty for your sins? He did that, you know? He died in your place and mine.
He laid down His life, not just for His friends, but for all of us who nailed Him to the cross. And that, my friends, is the greatest act of heroism, and love, of all.
And If you're already saved, don't act as if you saved yourself, someone laid down His life for you. Am asking you today to learn to lay life down for someone else by reaching out to the unreached and share love of Jesus with those he died for.
Pray with me: lord make me a true representative of true heroism in Jesus name!
Have a blessed and joy loaded day in Jesus name!

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