Monday, 10 August 2015


A prostitute once came tripping into a banquet, eyeing up the men. Jesus was there. Their eyes met. She, the used and dirtied harlot. He, divine love incarnate. The ancient miracle again began. Wonder swept over her, catching her breath, as if she had glimpsed the shores of some warm Promised Land across the wild cold waters of her life. Surprised by joy, music within her, no ear had ever heard, she wept with relief, stooped, kissed Christ's shoeless feet. Her reddened lips and tears mingled with rouge and mascara marking His pure flesh. She gasped - had she defiled Him? She must wipe off such stains. With what? Her hair, her glory and seduction. Then from the folds of her dress she produced the most expensive of her tools of trade, kept for the wealthiest of her lusting clients - richly perfumed ointment. She covered it thickly over His feet. It sanctified it, and her. Fragrance permeated the whole house, the odor of God’s eternal love. It reaches us, today. Yes, JESUS TRULY CHANGES PEOPLE. JESUS SAVES! God bless you. REINHARD BONNKE

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