Wednesday, 7 October 2015


Arm of the Lord Church Daily LIFe
(WED. 7th Oct. 2015)
For I am not ashamed of the Gospel (Rom. 1:16)
Rom. 1:1 - end
The Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ is the goodnews of the kingdom of God. This Goodnews is the birth, life, death and resurrection of Christ to save mankind from death to life. Good news literally means solution to a challenge, this is what the gospel is all about (Acts 10:38). Jesus paid the ultimate prize on the cross for the redemption of mankind, man will no longer be condemned to sin but will live eternally if he repents. Alleluyah!
Apostle Paul was so proud of the gospel that he was ready to lay down his life for the gospel because a man must die for something or live for nothing. The gospel is God's instrument to set the world in motion..."it is the power of God unto salvation..." and Paul was excellent in setting the whole world on fire with the gospel.
The object of this gospel is salvation - to open the blessings of the messianic kingdom to mankind. Also Paul was highly instrumental to the spreading of this gospel to the other nations of the world both Jews and Gentiles. He was a slave to his Master Jesus for the cause of the kingdom of God.
Child of God, anything you are passionate and compassionate about, you can make a life out of it, touch lives and create impact. The gospel presents an opportunity for destiny fulfilment not just getting rich or being successful.
At the time of his visit to Rome, preaching this gospel was the most degrading, shameful, delicate and embarrassing assignment especially for an educated, well-know Pharisee with a Roman citizenship like Apostle Paul. But he endured the shame to glorify God through preaching.
You may not be Paul but you can decide today to do more exploit for the kingdom of God irrespective of your current status or situation. It doesn't matter if you are learned or uneducated, skilled or unskilled, sinner or righteous, whoever you are. The gospel is a platform for redemption, restoration and transformation of destinies. For those who have lost their way in life, this gospel is a destiny pathfinder if only you believe, it is the solution to many challenges we face today. But even when we have received Christ, unfortunately we are ashamed to declare his works to others. Because we live a life Christ will not be proud of and our lifestyle can not win a soul for the kingdom of God.
Stand up today, take a bold step of destiny, tell someone about the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, experience his power and you will never remain the same to the glory of God.
My heavenly father, thank you Lord for your mercies upon my life. I ask for your power upon my life to preach your gospel in Jesus Christ name - Amen!

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