Wednesday, 21 October 2015


Believers love boat - Pst Festus Omorusi"
Please Read 1Sam 17:4-9,
I would like for you to think about this question: How do you see your “giant”? Do you see it as a problem (or) Do you see it as a Possibility?
Here in our text, we find the familiar story of David and Goliath. As 1 Samuel 17 opens, we read about a war raging in a wide valley called Elah. The Philistines were ready to battle Israel.
The Philistines sent out a man named Goliath. The Philistines chose to send out their Champion, Goliath; Israel chose to run and hide. David was just delivering supplies from home to his 3 older brothers. When he arrived at the camp, he heard the voice of Goliath across the valley taunting Israel and their God. David was provoked by Goliath’s ridicule and the cowardly reaction from the soldiers of Israel. Am sure you know the rest of the story.
What I want you to recognize in this story is that there is far more at stake than just a little man defeating a big man. You must recognize that this is a picture of great struggles that are taking place in the lives of God’s people right now. God’s people need to understand that they must:
1) Confront Their Giants;
2) Challenge Their Giants; and
3) Conquer Their Giants!
What do you really see when you are confronted by a "giant like" situation? Do you see an opportunity for a testimony? Or do you chicken out like king Saul? I believe that your perception affects your situations in reality. Begin to see with the eye of faith from now on and every giant will fall before you!
"May our eyes be open to recognize divine opportunity in the battle field of life"
Pray with me;
Lord help me access the divine victory provided for through the blood of Jesus in Jesus name!
Have a pleasant day!

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