Friday, 9 October 2015


Arm of the Lord Church Daily Life (Romans 3:1 - end)
(FRI. 9th Oct. 2015)
The Laws of Faith
Text: Rom. 3:27
Good morning my beloved readers, God has been so faithful, I bless him because today has promised to be exceptional by his special working grace in our lives.
Today, we look at another interesting topic in the body of christ which is FAITH and it's principles. Do you know that faith operates by supernatural principles known as Laws? Yes, everything in the realm of the spirit or kingdom of God operates by Laws or principles so nothing happens by accident and never you take anything in this life for granted. Everything you see in the physical or natural realm positively or negatively has already taken place in the supernatural. But Jesus has promised us the "KEYS" (principles, laws) to the kingdom of God (Matt. 16:19) to open the doors of life and walk safely. Our focus in this daily life is to understand applicable kingdom lifestyle using biblical principles to enhance our spiritual walk with God.
Faith is a law not a guess work but it's not of works or about those laws but of grace through Christ Jesus. When you apply it's principles they work perfectly as miracles in your life. My wife asked me in 2012 if faith is a vacuum, I said yes, it's a vacuum that only God can fill, you don't see faith with your natural eyes. When you obey God's word, he works for you - that's the LAW OF FAITH. You don't have to struggle about it, you don't need to know how he will do it, just TRUST AND OBEY for his desire is to work for you. No matter the circumstance, RELAX. Put God first, any other thing can follow, because he's already in charge - that's another LAW OF FAITH. He has a perfect and complete plan, ours are imperfect and incomplete. God's work in your life is spiritual(unseen) so you must compliment it with your own natural(seen) effort but do not boast or rely on that human effort no matter how righteous or successful it is. It can fail you but God's word will never fail because human efforts expire but divine works don't. When you obey his word by faith, heaven work at the background for you and use your "little" human work to manifest his great works in your life.
That which you need from God today is possible through the laws of faith, Grace is God's gift to man and faith is man's gift to God, you can move God by pleasing him through your faith today to do an extra-ordinary thing in your life if only you can be patient after applying these laws of faith.
My heavenly father, I am grateful for your love upon my life. I ask for your faith through grace to operate in the supernatural and produce natural results in Jesus Christ name - Amen!

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