Monday, 12 October 2015


SOUL WINNING,  THE EXPEDITIONARY FORCE CHURCH MODEL. There are different forms of church model; Fortress, Come all ye model, and Athelitic, But the Expeditionary force model, is the best form of all the models. Here the member are seen and regarded as missionaries to their various sphere of contact, those they live with, those they work with. In this model, any one they come in contact with regularly is seen as a potential convert, members are encouraged to share the gospel with those they come in contact with regularly and bring them into the church. In this model, a banker for example identifies mission field within the bank, he can run a bible study with his colleague or even plan for  resources to help or sponsor needy area of his church outreach program. Most importantly he sees his professional field as a mission field.. Also in  this model, the Pastorial task is to help members, identify, plan for and equip them for their diverse ministry opportunities.

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