Monday 16 January 2017


I affirm that I am filled with the Spirit of God in all wisdom, understanding, and knowledge. Down in my heart is the nature of the Father; therefore, I have an excellent spirit, and I am sufficient in all things, full of the eternal deposits of the goodness and grace of God. I have my understanding enlightened to have precise knowledge of the great riches of God’s glorious inheritance in me. Hallelujah! I am a King's kid and I am reigning in righteousness. Sin no longer has dominion over me because the nature of righteousness has been imparted into my spirit. This gives me the ability to think, act, and live as the effulgence of God's glory and the perfect imprint of His person. I am valuable to God, just as Jesus is. God has separated me from the destruction that ruins men’s lives and the judgment that works in the lives of men, having been identified with Christ in His death, burial and resurrection. Now I walk in the newness of life, knowing fully well that the world is mine. Glory to God!
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