Monday 25 May 2015


Faith is not a leap in the dark, but accepting and acting on the reality, which is the word of God. Faith is the confident assurance that is based on God’s word and not on your challenges. For example faith does not ask what if I lay hand on the sick and nothing happens but faith knows that if hands are laid on the sick, they’ll recover, since that’s what the word says. Faith knows that if there’s a need, then there’ll definitely be a corresponding supply; base on the word of God; Philippians 4:19 “but my God shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus”. Faith is not a guess work, it is depended on the word of God as the basis and assurance for actions, it’s a leap on the word. You express your faith in words and actions. So it is with faith; if it is alone and includes no actions, then it is dead. But someone will say, one person has faith, another has action “my answer is show me how anyone can have faith without actions. I will show you my faith by my action (James 2:17-18 GMB). Faith is active and not passive. Faith without works, that is corresponding action, is dead. When you are working by faith, you believe what God says, speak and act accordingly. If you truly believe Gods word that he is who he says he is, has done what he says he has done, then you will have every reason to act in faith. For example, when you hear the word of God which is says, “by whose stripes ye wear healed” 1Peters 2:24 you ought to say “thank you father, by the stripes of Jesus, I was healed” and then you get off the sick bed and act like someone that’s healed, by dong those things you couldn’t do before. Don’t try to negotiate the word, once you receive it concerning any area of your life, act accordingly, for faith is actions added to the word. To be continued…   

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